Many variables come into play when choosing a Home Standby System. Our consultants will work with you to develop the system that best suits you.
-We size your generator based on the National Electric Code guidelines and what your needs are. We will access the starting current for the heavy loads, if needed. (For example, a larger generator is needed to start the motor on an air conditioner).
-A gas load assessment will be completed. Since generators run on natural gas, they typically use more gas than any other gas appliance inside a home. As a result, sometimes additional gas work will need to be done. Most commonly a new gas meter is needed and often times the work is done by the utility for free. Proper gas coming into the home or office is needed to allow the generator to run properly.
-Location is a big consideration when installing a generator. The most cost effective location would be near the utility. However, that isn’t always practical. When considering a location you must look at proximity to any structure opening (Must be 5 feet from any opening: operational window, door, vent, etc), proximity to utility meters (Can’t be less than 3 feet from directly in front of any meter), distance from shrubs (Sides of the generator must be 3 feet from any structure or bush /shrub to allow proper air flow), and distance to property lines (Zoning varies by jurisdiction) to name a few. Our consultants will work with you through the process.
-Local ordinances need to be followed. Some towns only permit certain sizes and pad types. Our staff is familiar with most ordinances and will gladly help you work through the variables to install a Home Standby System that is perfectly tailored to your needs.